Sena Hyeleth's

Terms of Service

Please note that by placing a commission request you agree to the following terms of service.

You might be wondering

Why should I read this?

The purpose of this page is to make sure that you know exactly what you're agreeing to, but it also helps to:

  • clarify questions you might have without having to reach out to me;

  • quickly learn about my Dos and Don'ts, and avoid unpleasant surprises;

  • ensure you're comfortable with the way I work.

As a queer disabled lesbian

I refuse to work with TERFs, racists, etc.

In case you endorse racist, misogynic, homo- or transphobic beliefs, or support pedophilia or any other kind of offensive, disturbing behavior and discrimination — do not contact me. Please leave this page and seek help urgently.

First let's cover my

Dos and Don'ts

Will drawWon't draw
Any gender, different body types, disabilitiesNSFW, kinks, fetishes
Human OC’s, Khajiits, Argonians, Furries and most fantasy or alien charactersHeavy gore, intestines, severed body parts
Jewelry, gemstonesAnything hateful (racist, transphobic, ableist, etc.)
FanartRobots, parasitic worms or insects
Pets, armor, mechanical body parts, scars 


Terms and Conditions

  • I am not accepting commissions from people under the age of 18. By commissioning me you’re confirming that you’re a legal adult.

  • If my commissions are closed, consider asking me about my waitlist. I usually have a list of slots available each month that you can sign up for.

  • I am not accepting explicit NSFW projects.

  • I am only providing digital services. You will not be receiving any kind of physical copy of the commissioned artwork.

  • Please provide high quality visual references as well as a description of the expression, pose or any additional desired elements.

  • I am only drawing in my own style. Slight color alterations may occur.

  • I reserve the right to decline a commission for any reason.

All about

Payment and Fees

  • I accept payment via Paypal or Ko-fi.

  • Payment currency is Euro.

  • Full payment is due upfront and has to be made within 24 hours after your commission request was approved, otherwise I can't guarantee you a slot.

  • Additional charges are applied for characters that have a difficult design or a rather detailed appearance, as well as for any additional extras that the customer requests.

  • Additional fees may apply if changes are requested upon a finished piece.

  • All drawings come with a blank white or simple bicolored gradient background free of charge. If you are looking for any other type1 of background, you'll be charged an additional fee.

  • Any additional characters are +100% of the price.

  • Gratuity is very appreciated as it helps cover unpleasant fees, but not obligated.

1You can always ask for a transparent background free of charge.

Learn about my

Process, Changes & Turnaround

  • I am providing at least one sketch that, after approval, is followed by a lined and flat colored WIP for color confirmation.

  • Any desired adjustments have to be made on the sketch approval stage. For any changes after this you will be charged an additional fee, unless the changes are required because I made a mistake.

  • My preferred turnaround is 30 days, however I can only guarantee this for Headshot Portraits. Completing any other type of project may take from 1 up to 3 months, depending on circumstances that are out of my control. I will notify you as soon as possible in case there is an unexpected delay.

  • Please consider that due to my disability I am very sensitive to stress, so if you can please check the To-Do List that's available on my Discord Server before reaching out to me about the status of your commission.

  • You're welcome to shoot me a message if you happen to have any concerns and I will get back to you as soon as I can, please however avoid spamming me for updates.

A short list of things I need to know

About your character!

I'm always happy if provided with a simple description of the character that I'm going to draw. You can use the following list as a guide to provide all the details necessary.

  • name and pronouns of the character;

  • a high resolution image of the character and/or reference sheet;

  • a description of the desired facial expression, pose and/or background;

  • does your character have a more feminine, androgynous or masculine body type?

  • optional: a simple description of the character and what is their vibe?

Do not violate my

Terms of Use

  • Commissioned artwork is for personal use only. Any commercial use is strictly prohibited (this includes NFT’s).

  • I prohibit the use of my art as a way of training AI software.

  • I do not condone any editing of my artwork, you may however alter the size or crop the image for private purposes.

  • I retain the rights to my work, which include but are not limited to the right to distribute, reproduce, copy and/or use the image as a sample for sales or self-promotion.

  • You’re welcome to upload the finished artwork to social media as long as you credit me as the artist.

  • Do not claim my art as your own.

Take a look at my policy for

Cancelling & Refunds

  • If you want to cancel the commission after I have started working on the sketch you will be refunded 50% of what you have paid.

  • Canceling a commission after a sketch was approved is not possible and you will not be refunded.

  • If I receive inappropriate or needlessly aggressive messages or harassment during our collaboration, I reserve the right to cancel the commission and keep 50% of the initial payment as a compensation for my time.

  • If I am unable to finish your commission due to personal reasons, you will receive a full refund no matter what stage it was on.

You got this far?

Thank you ♡

Thank you for taking the time to read through my Terms of Service!
If you have any questions or feel like I'm a good fit for you, don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

This document can be edited at any time without further notice.

Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:

Hyeleth by Sofija Larionova
Im Schlenk 75
47055 Duisburg
Vertreten durch:
Sofija Larionova


Telefon: +49 (0)1775696451
E-Mail: [email protected]

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStVSofija Larionova
Im Schlenk 75
47055 Duisburg
Wir sind nicht bereit oder verpflichtet, an Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle teilzunehmen.

Haftung für Inhalte

Als Diensteanbieter sind wir gemäß § 7 Abs.1 TMG für eigene Inhalte auf diesen Seiten nach den allgemeinen Gesetzen verantwortlich. Nach §§ 8 bis 10 TMG sind wir als Diensteanbieter jedoch nicht verpflichtet, übermittelte oder gespeicherte fremde Informationen zu überwachen oder nach Umständen zu forschen, die auf eine rechtswidrige Tätigkeit hinweisen.Verpflichtungen zur Entfernung oder Sperrung der Nutzung von Informationen nach den allgemeinen Gesetzen bleiben hiervon unberührt. Eine diesbezügliche Haftung ist jedoch erst ab dem Zeitpunkt der Kenntnis einer konkreten Rechtsverletzung möglich. Bei Bekanntwerden von entsprechenden Rechtsverletzungen werden wir diese Inhalte umgehend entfernen.

Haftung für Links

Unser Angebot enthält Links zu externen Websites Dritter, auf deren Inhalte wir keinen Einfluss haben. Deshalb können wir für diese fremden Inhalte auch keine Gewähr übernehmen. Für die Inhalte der verlinkten Seiten ist stets der jeweilige Anbieter oder Betreiber der Seiten verantwortlich. Die verlinkten Seiten wurden zum Zeitpunkt der Verlinkung auf mögliche Rechtsverstöße überprüft. Rechtswidrige Inhalte waren zum Zeitpunkt der Verlinkung nicht erkennbar.Eine permanente inhaltliche Kontrolle der verlinkten Seiten ist jedoch ohne konkrete Anhaltspunkte einer Rechtsverletzung nicht zumutbar. Bei Bekanntwerden von Rechtsverletzungen werden wir derartige Links umgehend entfernen.


Die durch die Seitenbetreiber erstellten Inhalte und Werke auf diesen Seiten unterliegen dem deutschen Urheberrecht. Die Vervielfältigung, Bearbeitung, Verbreitung und jede Art der Verwertung außerhalb der Grenzen des Urheberrechtes bedürfen der schriftlichen Zustimmung des jeweiligen Autors bzw. Erstellers. Downloads und Kopien dieser Seite sind nur für den privaten, nicht kommerziellen Gebrauch gestattet.Soweit die Inhalte auf dieser Seite nicht vom Betreiber erstellt wurden, werden die Urheberrechte Dritter beachtet. Insbesondere werden Inhalte Dritter als solche gekennzeichnet. Sollten Sie trotzdem auf eine Urheberrechtsverletzung aufmerksam werden, bitten wir um einen entsprechenden Hinweis. Bei Bekanntwerden von Rechtsverletzungen werden wir derartige Inhalte umgehend entfernen.


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